12 Thanks & Author bio

12.1 Thank you!

Thank you for reading our guide and we hope this helps you take part in the wonderful R Twitter community.

12.2 About the authors

Completely in style, this collaboration started on Twitter.

12.2.1 Oscar Baruffa (@OscarBaruffa)

Oscar is still fairly new to R, but what he lacks in experience he makes up for with enthusiasm :).

See his YouTube Channel Other People’s RStats

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12.2.2 Veerle van Son (@veerlevanson)

Veerle created her Twitter account in 2012, then barely used it for six years. She only became an active Twitter user in 2018, to participate in #TidyTuesday and to be part of the #rstats Twitter goodness in general. Her data blog can be found at SurroundedByData.netlify.com. Veerle lives in Den Bosch, the Netherlands and is co-founder of R-Ladies Den Bosch.